Sunday, January 10, 2016

वजन कम करना हैं ?

* नास्ता के साथ चा,दूध बंध करे .....
* खाने के समय बाते ना करें ...
* खाने के बाद पानी ,छास ना पियें ..दो घंटे के बाद ले....
* WEEK में एक बार मग/मग के पानी के साथ उपवास करें..
* सब खाने की छुट,लकिन २०% पेट खाली रखो...
* अपने वजन के चिंता मत करो अपने आप कम होगा...
* अपने आप BALANCE होगा.....

Thursday, August 13, 2015

भूख और नींद पर विजय प्राप्त करना

तैलकन्द नाम का कमलकन्द के समान प्रसिद्ध कन्द है ।
इसके पत्ते कमल जैसे होते हैं । इस कन्द से सदा तेल चूता रहता है । पानी में दस हाथ की दूरी तक ये तेल फ़ैला रहता है ।
इसके नीचे हमेशा एक महाविषधर रहता है । 
--इस कन्द की पहचान ये है कि इसमें लोहे की सुई प्रविष्ट करायें तो सुई तुरन्त घुल जाती है । 
--इस कन्द को लाकर तीन बार शुद्ध पारे के साथ खरल में पीसो । फ़िर इसका तेल मिला दो । फ़िर मूसा में रखकर बांस के कोंपलो की आग में तपाओ । ऐसा करने से पारा मर जाता है । और उसमें लक्ष वेधी गुण आ जाते हैं । अर्थात साधारण धातु के एक लाख भाग और ऐसे पारे का एक भाग हो । इसको खाने से भूख और नींद पर विजय प्राप्त हो जाती है ।

Method of applying Mehandi in HAIR(बालों में मेहँदी आवेदन करने की विधि)

Method of applying Mehandi in HAIR 

v    Put the hair ear to ear. Take a thin strand of hair from the crown area, apply Mehandi on it, twist it into a tiny bun. Then take a thin strand from the rear. Apply Mehandi on it and go on setting one after another into buns in the opposite direction. Follow the same pattern for the front hair, too.
v    Retain the Mehandi in the hair for one hour. Make it a point that only white hair turns into red and never all the hair.

‘Hair Mehandi’ is used for conditioning.
Never use black Mehandi for the ‘Hair Mehandi’ because it has chemicals.

v  In Hair Mehandi powder, mix boiled water of tea or coffee and soak it in plain water.
v  Mehandi is cool by nature, so it is applied on palms and hands and in the hair to cool down the body temperature.

Don’t apply the Mehandi in the hair of children as far as possible.
Those who have chronic cold are advised not to retain Mehandi in the hair for a long time. After applying the Mehandi, such persons are supposed to take hot drink like tea, coffee,etc.

(A)For Dry Hair: For two hours keep soaking 200 grams of Amla powder, 100 grams of Mehandi, two teaspoonful of coffee, yolk of one egg, and one teaspoonful of curd. Then apply Mehandi following mentioned above and wash it off after retaining it for 40 to 45 minutes.

(B)For Oily Hair: For one hour, mix and keep soaking 100 grams of Amla powder, 100 grams of Mehandi ,2 Teaspoonful of Coffee, Half a cup of curd, 4 to 5 drops of lemon juice and yolk of one egg. Apply Mehandi following the method suggested above and after retaining it for 40 to 45 minutes wash it off.

     (C)For Conditioning: For sometime, keep soaking half a cup of Curd, half a cup of Amla powder, 2 eggs and 2 to 4 drops of lemon juice in half a cup of Mehandi. Apply Mehandi as suggested previously. Retain it for 30 to 40 minutes and then wash it off.

Foods for healthy eyes(स्वस्थ आंखों के लिए फूड्स)

Foods for healthy eyes

Red grapes.
Resveratrol, found in the skin of red grapes, is an antioxidant that promotes overall eye health. There are lots of kid-friendly ways to serve grapes: you can freeze them or cut them in half, add them to a smoothie and have fun playing with them in between mouthfuls.

Omega-3 essential fatty acids found in fatty fish such as salmon, sardines, mackerel and trout as well as organic egg yolks (which contain around twice the amount of Omega-3s as eggs from grain-fed factory chickens) are crucial for optimal development of both the retina and brain.

One of the most important nutrients for eye health is lutein, a compound found in the coloured portion of fruits and vegetables. Lutein plays two important roles: it helps protect the eyes from UV rays and it’s a major component of the macula, a part of the eye involved in central vision. In addition to mangoes, lutein can be found in dark green leafy vegetables, broccoli, capsicum, egg yolks (organic if possible) carrots, sweet potato and rockmelon.

This kid-friendly veggie is rich in vitamin A, a nutrient that protects the health of the cornea (the transparent front part of the eye that covers the pupil). Vitamin A deficiency has been linked to night blindness and an increased risk of contracting pink eye. In addition to carrots, foods with good levels of vitamin A include liver, pate, spinach, sweet potato, parsley and pumpkin.

Being adequately hydrated is important to ensure the tear ducts and eyes are frequently flushed of dust, dirt and any other irritants.

 Natural eyecare tips

 Homeopathic remedies are very gentle and effective for children’s eye problems – you can find them at your local health food store or pharmacy. The remedy staphysagria is used to treat styes. For pink eye, I use calc carb to help ease symptoms. And I love the homeopathic remedy silica for blocked tear ducts. (For additional ideas on how to treat styes, pink eye and blocked tear ducts, check out GP Ginni Mansberg’s article on toddler eye health.)

 For a DIY remedy for pink eye, use dried calendula, the herb eyebright, or fennel to make an infusion. These herbs all have anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial actions. Mix one teaspoon of dried herb in 100ml of hot water and allow it to steep for five minutes. Once cool, take a cotton pad, soak it in the infusion and wipe from the inside corner of the eye to the outside corner,making sure you use a fresh cotton pad for each wipe.

If you are breastfeeding, you can use breastmilk to wipe your child’s eye because it has strong immune-boosting properties. This is beneficial for any type of eye problem.

 Playing games also supports holistic development of your toddler’s eyes. Some of my favourites are peek-a-boo, and stackable cups/blocks as well as hide and seek. From the age of four, there are exercises that strengthen the muscles of the eye.

 Find out how to encourage your little one to eat more fish

Exercising for a healthy heart(एक स्वस्थ दिल के लिए कसरत)

Exercising for a healthy heart

If you exercise regularly, you may lower your risk of a heart
attack and stroke. If you’re middle-aged or older and haven’t
been exercising regularly or have a chronic health problem,
work with your doctor to develop an exercise program. To
condition your heart safely:

• Start at a comfortable level of exertion

Try walking five to 10 minutes over a short distance indoors.
Increase five minutes a session, as tolerated.

• Schedule regular exercise

Aim for 30 to 60 minutes a day of low- to moderate-intensity
physical activity.

• Include variety

Combine three types of exercise — stretching (flexibility),
endurance (aerobic) and strengthening (weight training) —
and three levels of intensity — warm-up, workout level and
cool-down — in each exercise session.

• Cross-train to reduce your risk of injury

Alternate among exercises that emphasize different parts of
the body, such as swimming, bicycling and walking.

• Don’t overdo it

Start slowly and build up gradually, allowing time between
sessions for your body to rest and recover. And forget the saying
“No pain, no gain.” A little muscle soreness when you do
something new isn’t unusual, but soreness doesn’t equal pain.
If it hurts, stop doing it.

• Increase your physical activity

Even routine activities such as gardening, climbing stairs
health, although not at the same level as a structured exercise
program. Just keep moving: Walk or bike to the store instead
of driving, park farther away at the shopping mall, take the
stairs instead of an elevator.

CARE OF THREADING(सूत्रण के केअर)


Threading is a way of removing unwanted hair from the skin. We need few things in our threading-kit such as:

Ø    Thread No.40
Ø    Talcum Powder
Ø    Cotton
Ø    Astringent
Ø    Scissors

1. Eyebrows 2. Upperlips 3.Forehead
4. Side-blocks 5. Chin 6.Eyelashes

Care to be taken before Threading:
·         It is necessary to apply talcum powder before Threading.
·         Threading with a wet thread is less painful.

Take the Thread No. 40. Draw eyebrow –shapes on your leg where the hair growth is more. Then press one end of the thread in your mouth and twist the other end around your fingers. Try threading (for the hair to be removed) from the opposite direction. Practise threading for one hour everyday at least for a week and you’ll get accustomed to thread different shapes of eyebrows. These are:

1.            Arch-shaped
2.            Curve
3.      Round
4.      Straight
5.      Angular

Lips are very delicate. If proper care is not taken while threading, the skin may get rashed .It is advisable to carry out threading after tightening the skin.

Let the client stretch and hold the skin on the forehead tightly while the threading process is on. Carry out the threading in the opposite direction of the hair.

The chin is the area below the lower lip. Before threading , let the client keep the lower lip tight by pushing it with the tongue from inside.

·         Apply astringent after threading.
·         If the skin gets rash after threading, massage it with a moisturizer cream.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

6 Tips For Great Tooth Care(ग्रेट दांत देखभाल के लिए 6 युक्तियाँ)

 6 Tips For Great Tooth Care

Dental Tip #1
Change your toothbrush every 2-3 months.

Dental Tip #2
Be involved in your dental treatment.
Being involved and educated with your dental treatment is extremely important. This can help you avoid undesirable results and keep your smile healthy.

Dental Tip #3
Visit your dentist for regular check-ups.
Coming in to your dentist for regular check-ups, can help reduce your chances of  dental diseases and also significantly lower your risk of heart disease.

Dental Tip #4
Don’t wait to treat your dental emergencies.
There’s nothing worse than experiencing a broken tooth, losing a crown, or an unrelenting toothache when you least expect it. These are all dental emergencies that need immediate attention and treatment by a dental professional.

Dental Tip #5
The health of your mouth is directly linked with your overall health and well-being.
Did you know that there is a significant correlation between your oral health and your general health? Coming in to your dentist for regular check-ups, can help reduce your chances of dental diseases and also significantly lower your risk of heart disease.

Dental Tip #6
Proper flossing and brushing will help prevent periodontal disease.
Did you know that periodontal disease is an infection of the gums, ligaments, and bones that surround and support your teeth? It is primarily caused by plaque. The primary cause of adult tooth loss and may be linked to heart disease. With proper brushing, flossing and professional dental cleanings, periodontal disease is preventable.